
7 Points to Consider When Selecting a Sydney Sales Agent to Sell Your House

The Sydney housing market is always changing and improving, but it's never been more competitive than right now. If you're considering selling your Sydney house, you may have noticed that competition for buyers has increased drastically. It's important to have the right real estate sales agent on your side who knows how to get your house in front of buyers and more importantly knows how to extract the most money from the buyer’s pocket and into your pocket.


The article will provide you with the seven points to consider during your interview process, when selecting a Sydney Sales Agent to Sell Your House. Finding the right house selling agent can help sell your house faster and for the most amount of money in your pocket.

As a potential house seller, it’s not about how many sales your real estate agent sells in a given year, it’s all about the quality of each sale and how much money is left in your pocket after all expenses including commission, advertising costs, as well as your legal costs have been accounted for? The quality of each sale undertaken by the selling agent not the quantity of sales performed by your selling agent should be at the forefront of your mind, when deciding on appointing a real estate agent to represent your financial interests.

Providing a True Estimate & Value Add?

1) Start by hiring a professional sales agent who can determine the true estimate for your house, then start narrowing down which agents will be best suited to work with your needs and assist in selling your property. Note: It is not just about the transaction, what other value can they provide to assist you in selling your property, which may come in the form of helpful house services for instance?

Are They a Good Fit for You & Your Values?

2) Once you’ve decided upon an agent that fits into your criteria, ask them about their experience and what they are looking to achieve from working with you. In other words, why do they (the selling agent) believe they would be a good fit in working to sell your house?

Do They Offer Sale Guarantees?

3) Once satisfied of the above, ask if they offer any sale guarantees on your house sale? This will be a tell-tale moment, where the selling agents true motivation will be revealed. If they don't have this guarantee, it's perhaps time for you to move onto another real estate agent?

What’s The Deal for Under-Performance?

4) Long after the promise of a high price... (during the agent interview stage) what lingers is the sour taste of a dishonest transaction. So, ask the selling agent if their fee is negotiable for under-performance? Why I hear you asking? If you have ever sold Sydney real estate or for that matter any real estate with any real estate agent, you may have encountered real estate agents who over-promise and sometimes under deliver, expecting a fee for service for under-performance.

This however is a common practice among selling agents to secure a volume number of properties on low fees (1.65% inclusive of gst or lower) to ultimately undersell their clients’ properties during the sales campaign by suggesting they are unable to achieve the price tendered by them at your agent interview stage. These selling agents ultimately serve the buyer in the transaction, not you as their vendor as they have a fiduciary interest in protecting your financial interest in the transaction, not the buyers and for selling agents reading this, this is the distinction between order takers and a professional selling agent.

As a house seller, this is an opportune time to request proof of the "selling agents process to determine if in fact they have a process" for delivering exceptional results and if they don't, and you are unable to see the evidence of their proof, you know exactly what to do: show them your front door as they exit your house.

Free Advertising

5) Do not succumb to selling agents who offer free advertising to sell your house? The only free cheese is in the trap. The cost of doing so, at the other end of your sale (where the rubber meets the road, in other words at property settlement) may result in many tens of thousands of dollars lost, for fewer buyers inspecting your property and less competition fighting to own your property. You cannot sell a secret. Unfortunately, selling agents who are not upfront with the true cost of marketing your house, (as difficult as this may be to come to terms with?) do not deserve the privilege of even sitting down with you to discuss selling your house. Fight the urge, open your eyes, don't allow yourself to be deceived.

Low Fees for Service

6) In NSW, real estate agent fees have been deregulated for many years and fees are negotiable depending on where you live and the average house prices in your locality, but commissions range in percentages of between 1.1% - 3.3% inclusive of gst. As consumers we all want to save money, especially when what we are purchasing is a commodity. However, when it comes to selling agent fees, the desired outcome is what you are really purchasing, everything else is irrelevant. Seek out professional sales agents who will put more money in your pocket, not the selling agent that offers you the lowest commission and or free advertising to sell your house. The latter, are the selling agents, that you should show your front door to first, as the exit your house.

Require More Information?

7) Trusted Estate Agents are performance based selling and marketing estate agents. What differentiates Trusted Estate Agents from all other traditional real estate agents is our unique approach in that we sell Sydney Houses For Profit or see them through to settlement for 0% agents commission, guaranteed in writing. Feel free to download our information booklet highlighted here entitled: "Sell Sydney House For Profit". This FREE guide will assist you in better understanding how Trusted Estate Agents outperform their competitors by virtue of their experience and selling approach as evidenced by our past house sellers who will attest to selling their houses for PROFIT.


The right real estate sales agent could mean the difference as to whether you sell your house for PROFIT or you settle and end up selling your house for a loss, in other words, money that would have been paid but was lost by the representative handling your sale. Not all is what it seems among Sydney selling agents, when it comes to selling your house. There is more to selecting a sales agent to sell your house than how much their sales commission is & how much they charge for advertising. Selling agents, are not commodities, even though many of them act is if they were. Its your job to find the one sales agent that separates themselves from all others in the market. We wish you well on your property journey.

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